Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sample Salmon Bay Preference Letter (12/5/10)


Please continue the preference assignment tiebreaker for Thornton Creek 5th graders for enrollment in 6th grade at Salmon Bay School. Given the absence of a viable alternative middle school (as opposed to an option K-8 with a traditional educational philosophy) that TC 5th graders can attend, we request that the Salmon Bay preference be continued until such viable alternative middle school is established.

Thornton Creek is currently the only alternative school in the district that does not have a middle school program and for years has received the Salmon Bay preference. This was a mutually beneficial arrangement since Salmon Bay was the only alternative 6-8 program that added seats over its elementary grade level capacity.

The educational philosophy of Thornton Creek is compatible with Salmon Bay. This preference allows students of Thornton Creek - whose families have committed to an educational philosophy very similar to that of Salmon Bay Middle School - to have access to that philosophy and approach though 8th grade. This is similar to the educational continuity provided for students at TOPS, Pathfinder, APP program, language immersion programs, and so on.

Removing this program preference will negatively impact Thornton Creek as parents seek the greater security that enrolling their child at schools like Salmon Bay during the elementary years provides. Many families are considering private schools in the absence of the alternative middle school preference. Salmon Bay may suffer from the loss of TC families who are vital to the success of Salmon Bay Middle School because the students and parents are already familiar with both the educational philosophy of the program and the amount of family involvement this type of educational approach requires. Finally, with crowding at Eckstein continuing to increase, it benefits that school as well to minimize extra students coming in at this time.

Thank you for considering my request for the Salmon Bay preference for Thornton Creek 5th graders.


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